I got to play the piano today. It's so wierd the way you miss something like that so much. I'm certainly no pianist but it just feels so good to sit down to something you love, something familiar and just enjoy it. A few of the girls I'm here with play so beautifully and I love just listening to them and letting the music just soak into my thoughts. Makes me think of the way I absolutely LOVE to just sit and listen to Josh play when he comes home. I could do it all day.
Teaching actually went quite well today (I think I can thank my niece Victoria and her good luck email for that). This group of kids for winter camp are not the same as the ILP kids and based on their behavior today, they behave much better than the ILP's... which is EXCELLENT!
I am satisfied with that, even if it does only last for two weeks. One of the little girls I taught today, her name is Bella... and she is absolutely darling. She totally stole my heart and I fully intend on smuggling her home with me. So don't fret, you will get to meet her :). I'm really starting to become attached to the children, and I can see how leaving will be hard when the time comes.

So... we have been here for 20 days, and driving home on the bus from the fruit stand today I decided that I feel comfortable here. It's starting to feel like home, almost like we belong. We certainly don't belong here, people still stare and gawk...because they always will :) Things are familiar, and a trip to the grocery store or the post office, or out to dinner isn't some crazy adventure anymore. Well it's always some crazy adventure, but you know what I mean. It's just everyday stuff; it just feels more relaxed. We were talking about it tonight and the girls were saying how they totally feel Chinese already. One said she's even starting to smell Asian. A direct quote from Jilly, "I woke up thinking there was an Asian in my bed, but upon further inspection, I realized it was just me." She always talks super formal like that, ha. I just thought that was hilarious. It seems like we're all on the same page. :)

We've started doing FHE's just with eachother here in our apartment, and I'm in charge of them, fancy that... funny eh? So tonight we had a little thought, D&C 50;40-43 (these are some of my favorite verses in the entire D&C) and then we played Pee Speed Scrabble and had Mud Pie Pudding for dessert. Past thoughts of having such a small bladder were confirmed. I have never had to use the facilities so bad in my entire life. I do indeed, in our little group at least, have the smallest bladder. Oh boy, don't try that at home :) It was amusing, we enjoyed some great laughs together.
All in all, it was a glorious day! And to top things off, I got to chat with Tarah tonight. She's so wonderful! She has class at 7, but she wakes up a half hour earlier every MON,WED, and FRI to visit with me and make my day. I love it! I am happy. Or as they say it here in China, "Wo hen kai xin..." I have just about everything I would ever want and/or need and I am so content with life just the way it is right now.
Wan an.
What in heaven's name is pee speed scrabble? I love reading your blog sis. Thank you.