- Asian grapefruit... is.... delicious.

- Karaoke "ing" with a bunch of natives. For Jaimie's birthday she really wanted to experience KTV which is karaoke here and apparantly it is a really big deal. And after experiencing it first hand, I can concur that it is indeed a very big deal. Instead of just open mic at a bar or something, they rent out rooms that are all lit up and have huge screens to groups and they serve you food and drinks for as long as you choose to stay there. It was fun because we all knew Abby and Mikelle could sing real well, but once we got there, Jillian and the other girls got a hold of the mic's and went crazy! And holy cow... Jillian has a set of lungs on her. Abby and Mikelle are incredible too. They're all a bunch of performers. Hopefully I can get a video on here. Anyways, Tina our coordinator at the school brought some of her friends with and they were hilarious. When they sing, they get so into it. Where we're all just goofin' off, they go all out. Hand on the heart, eyes closed.... loved it. And they all had stellar voices too. It was fun. We actually just got home and I have a date with Tony in the morning otherwise I'd bore you with what else my day consisted of.
Zai Jian... Wan an.
(Bye, Goodnight)
definitely the highlight of MY day Sarah. I love you!