Friday night, I met Sonia and Vickie downtown at the bus station and from there we took a bus to Guangzhou. It was so good to see them. On the bus Sonia took a little snooze and Vickie and I had a little Chinese/English lesson on the moon. It was absolutely adorable. She had the window seat and the entire hour in a half we takled about the moon. I taught her how to say it in English and I learned how to say it from her in Chinese. Those are the moments in this life that are worth remembering... wo xihuan zhege!
We took a taxi to thier apartment and by that time it was like 10:30. But the party was not over yet.... uh ah. Not even close. John had a friend, Simon come into town with his fiance Mickey who is Jananese and so... we went out to dinner! I was completely exhausted, but it was way too much fun, and ever so interesting. Simon doesn't speak a lick of Jananese, and Mickey only spoke about as much Mandarin as I speak (not very much :) so... it was really quite intriguing watching them try to communicate, and they are engaged. :) So funny. Love is love I guess. I tried Duck. It was curious.
That night I slept with little Christy in her bed. Another great experience. That liitle one is far worse than any adult I have ever shared a bed with. I got about 4 hours of sleep, but it's okay because she was so sweet every time she woke me up crawling all over me, stepping all over my face with that huge happy grin on her face. It really is phenominal how good both those little girls are. She really was up the majority of the night but she was never sad... just playful and fun. So sweet. I really am so lucky to be able to be here with them. Love it.
Saturday we woke up... and Sonia made French Toast. Oh, you have no idea how much I loved her right there in that very moment. It was so gratifying. So after breakfast, John took the kids and Sonia and I went out for the day! She took me shopping to a few of her favorite places there in Guangzhou. It was really such a pleasant day... we had a great deal of time to get to know eachother better and start strengthening that relationship :) She was such a sweetheart. We went to lunch and I insisted that I pay because she had paid for EVERYTHING up to that point. We hadn't really bought anything shopping wise but she took care of all the transportation so I just insisted that I pay for lunch and she said, "No. No... You are my sister," and I said..."SONIA! You are MY sister!" and she just thought for a second... laughed out loud and said.... "I'm older." HA. I couldn't help but laugh and I couldn't argue. It was a great time.
In China, they have a custom for when new babies turn one month old. They have a huge celebration and the parents of the child treat all their friends and family to a large feast! John had friend whose baby just turned one month old so Saturday night we all went to that and it was so much fun. A jesting experience for sure.
Sunday we just spent time together and visited. I got some fun pictures of the girls, they will be on here soon. I loved it. Sonia took me back to Guangzhou and again, so fun to spend time with her. She gave me the low down on shopping and have some great advice for our upcoming vacation to Beijing. Oh.. ha and while we were waiting for her bus back to the big bus stop near our flat, we went to the little market outside our complex and she was showing me all of the good snack foods to buy... the types of things that WON'T make me get fat. She taught me how to say sugar free bread in Chinese upon my request just after she told me that we WILL get fat if we eat the normal bread all the time. Ha. Our stinking incredible cooks just cook the most extordinary bread so it's inevitable. I will be eating bread :) Overall, a Marvelous weekend spent with Family and it was so splendid.
Here are the pictures I promised. :)

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