So, as we all know, church meetings aren't really accessible here in Mainland so today was something new. This morning, we got up and we were able to stream last week's CES fireside that Elder Niel A. Andersen gave which was really great, and a few of the girls brought this years new Gospel Principles manual so Jaimie initiated a really good discussion for the first lesson. I am really excited about how it went. Before I left, this was something that I was really kinda concerned about, only because I knew that I would really miss sacrament meetings, taking the sacrament, lessons, relief society, firesides, everything that I'm so routinely used to on Sundays. But during our lesson today and my studying afterward... I was thinking and I realized really what a great experience this will be for me, and all of us here. I think that if we take advantage of the opportunity, it could be a great way to really build and strengthen my relationship with my Father in Heaven, and my Savior. Not having all that I usually have to depend and rely on and the support I usually have has kind of helped me turn to Him more and already I can see that difference, and I'm excited and encouraged to make this the best experience it can be. And on top of that, the girls that I'm here teaching with are incredible girls. Their testimonies are strong and I have so much to learn from them. Estoy emocionada. [I think that means I'm excited, my spanish is a little rusty :)] THanks Scott.
Happy Sunday!
Yup it does mean that you are excited if you are a boy :P Try 'estoy emocionada', it might work better and turn out slightly less embarrassing.