Wheeeeew. I am happy to report though that today went a little better. Hopefully, from here it will just be a gradual up hill climb. We played a balancing game today. I taped a long piece of tape on the floor and we pretended that there was a big dangerous river underneath it with Alligators and Crocodiles, and all sorts of other mean animals that would eat a small child :)
So the idea was to balance ourselves across the beam without touching the water and falling in. The kids did pretty well. There were a couple of the classes that really just had no interest, but it seemed to go better than yesterday. I did a few things differently in organizing the class today too that helped quite a bit. We had our evaluations today. Our head teacher Jillian came in and evaluated each of our classes and filled out an improvement form for each of us. Lets just say, I have a great deal of room for improvement :)

My poor voice is pretty much completely gone still and teaching a gym class with 20+ kids isn't really beneficial to that at all, so I'm excited for the weekend to give it a little break.
I went running tonight! For the first time since my surgery. I cannot even express how great and wonderful it feels to be able to do stuff like that again. Tonight was more of a test run to see how things went, how it felt and I think it was pretty good. I'm excited to start easing back into the swing of things. :) I really have been so blessed to have had such a speedy recovery. I'm obviously not 100% there yet but I'm getting there and I feel like it's a good thing :)
On my walk today, there was this little girl at the basketball court with her Mom. First of all she was the most adorbale thing (I know I say that about every little chinese kid I talk about, but she really was). And secondly, it was just funny because the people here are so eager to talk to us, even if they know we can't communicate real well with them they still just take every opportunity they can to interact with us, and they are just so happy and smiley. The mom... I tried to talk to her a little bit, I told her I was a teacher here but besides that we didn't verbally communicate, but the whole time I was there playing peek-a-boo with her little girl she just stared at me with the biggest smile and you could tell she just wanted so bad to talk to me, and it just made me happy. I thought about how much of an impact smiles can make. Really though, sometimes it just seems like the smallest thing and so insignificant but today... that mothers smile sure made my day...so it just makes you think of the difference your smiles make in the lives of those you smile at! It made me think of the quote,..."everyone smiles in the same language." So, SMILE! :)
I talked to Mom and Dad some on Skype today. It was so good to see their faces. I didn't get to see them for long because the skype was being a pill, but we got to message back and forth and I LOVED IT! I sure miss my phenominal family.
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