So... I get home, get off the bus, walk up to our apartment and open the door to find Mikelle standing on a chair against the wall watching a movie. I was a little perplexed as to why she was watching the movie standing on a chair with a plastic bowl in her hand so I asked her, "Mikelle what are you doing?" And she informed me in a very dramatic tone.... "There's a cockroach. It crawled under the couch and it won't come out." Hence, why she was standing on the chair rather than watching her movie from the couch. "Mikelle, how long have you been up there?"....
"About 20 minutes."
"You're pathetic, get down from the chair." :)
For the next 20 minutes she would remain on the chair and ask me to get or do things for her because she wouldn't get down. Such as... "Sarah, will you hand me my computer?" of which I replied, "No. No I will not. Get down and get it yourself Kelle." Which was then followed by minutes of whining and complaining like a 4 year old. But... she couldn't move me. I went into my room and locked the door (remember that part) so that I couldn't hear her whining. A couple minutes later there was a knock on the door, "Sarah?... It's really hot out here will you turn the fan on?"
"No. I absolutely will not Kelle. Get down off the chair, be a man and turn it on yourself."
"But I'm not a man! Pleaaasse please please please. Ugh hu hu hu hu!" (that's her crying out loud)
"No Mikelle. Sorry. I love you, that is why I'm doing this. You can do it yourself. You're going to have to get down from the chair eventually. It might as well be now."
Some would call me heartless, but... not really worried about it.
So after a few minutes I came out and sat on the couch. "So, how about we watch a movie hu, how about Goal?" (hinting that we turn off the movie she was watching in Chinese since, Oh. I don't know... we don't understand Chinese) She thought that was a great idea and told me where I could find it in her bedroom. "Uh ah Mikelle. No way. Go get the movie. You have to get off that chair at some point. Just go get the movie." She wouldn't. I ended up getting the movie, and she ended up climbing from the chair to another chair to the couch to avoid touching the floor.
We had only watched a few minutes of the movie when the other girls got home from Kung Fu and walked in the door. Right away Mikelle informed the rest of the cockroach residing underneath our couch. Jillie grabbed the broom, threw me a bowl and she prodded it out and I caught it with the bowl as it came out. She came and slid some paper under the bowl to go and throw it in the toilet. :) On her way to the toilet, something happened and she dropped it so the roach scurried away into Mikelle and Abby's bathroom. Right then Jillie went to walk back into the bedroom to get something but couldn't because "someone" locked the door and shut it. We were locked out of our room. Oh goodness. So here we were. I was trying to watch a movie, that I was very into I might add... Mikelle was hyper ventilating about to have some kind of episode because of the roach in her bathroom and now... we were locked out of our bedroom with no way in because we don't have a key. Mikelle and I tried to get the door open with a card, a bobby pin, and chopsticks but we couldn't budge it. So we grabbed Abs because her Chinese is probably the most developed and we went outside in search of one of the complex guards. We walked around saying, "Shuai ge! Shuai ge! Qing wen!" Thinking maybe that was the best way to get 'his' attention. Finally we found one and said, "qing wen" (question) and we asked him, "Ni ke yi bong wo ma?" (Can you help us?) He looked so confused, but tried his hardest to understand and help us. We eventually got him to follow us up to our apartment and we showed him the door and he looked at us like, 'how the heck did you lock your bedroom door?' So Jillie goes to the other bedroom and plays a mini game of charades to show him exactly what happened :) He just laughed, gave us a number to a locksmith and left. So, we had to get it unlocked somehow or pay for a locksmith. Then I think it was Shaila that said, "What about the bathroom window?" The thought really hadn't occurred to any of us because it's really not a big window at all. It's actually kind of small. BUT. We do leave it open with just the screen down all the time, so it was worth a try. I went out to the porch and opened the screen... and began to climb through head first. I went in up to my waist and then came back out. Jillie, Abs and Mikelle followed me out and proposed that they lift me in feet first so that I didn't plunge myself into a pitch black, tile shower head first. But I refused because... just... no. I tried again. It could work. I saw that if I could grab hold of the shower door and lift myself through it would work without falling down head first. I just needed to figure out how I was going to fit my big pahookie through the window. But... I figured it out and 30 seconds later... I was in, door was open, no problem. Which was great. Not to mention, did a great little number on my self esteem after having a chair doubled up in my behalf only yesterday. Ha ha ha.
One of our most eventful evenings in a while. :)
When you come back, you need to tell these stories in person....because I need your face expressions and tone of voice. :) I mean, just reading it, I can kinda hear it already, but Im just saying. :)