We had an American Party tonight watching the U.S. vs. Slovenia game. We had cookies, pudding, mashed potatoes, fruit. Just a bunch of junk food really, but it's American. :) Spring and Hui Hui came. :) So great. Hui Hui is perfect. He is simply adorable, and just the cutest thing. They both got really into the game, it was a lot of fun. It was established that both Spring and Hui Hui really enjoy playing and that Jaimie and I enjoy it as well. So Spring suggested we all play sometime before we leave. Tuesday morning. I'm excited, not only because I get to spend the morning with Hui hui, but because I'm excited to play soccer again. It'll be fun.
Good game tonight. Ridiculous call back on the U.S goal though. Really. So absurd.
I couldnt see the game but I heard the goal was amazing and they called it back?! :/ bummer. I want to hear ALL about Tuesday morning playing with the "adorable, perfect, chinese hui hui." OK?! Really. ;) LOVE you