Thursday, June 3, 2010


Teaching today was in...sane! It was just one of those days. We could tell from the very beginning during opening that it was going to be one of those wild days for the kids. We did a bean bag relay race in Gym class today and two of my classes went well, but my middle class, with Phillip, Fe-fe, Karen, Sterling, Jackson, and Gordon was crazy. They were nuts! Just running everywhere, and talking a mile a minute which I guess isn't the worst thing that could have happened. It is English class so at least they were talking. The bean bags got holes in them and leaked sand all over the gym, the kids were fighting over the basket, and Phillip tipped the whole bucket on top of him while looking up at it so he got a handful of sand in his eyes. Ah! It was wild. A crazy day indeed. These kids keep you on your toes, that is one thing for CERTAIN.

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