Monday, May 31, 2010

The What If...? game

What if the fat lady lost her voice?
-She would be so sad...and eat some cheese, LOTS of cheese.

What if Bob Marley appeared at our door with a Papa Johns Pizza, RIGHT NOW?
-We'd all kiss him on the face and eat it all in about 30 seconds.

What if you were as crazy as Jeanie?
-'Then we'd all talk like this'(haha... she's from Canada-raised French speaking)

What if we had another 6 months in China?
-We would be peeing in streets, our hair would turn black and our eyes would become slanted.

What if Mikelle never dated another man?
-Men all over the world would cry.

What if you could get a degree without finishing school?
-Then the world would be filled with doctors that are in malpractice.

What if Shaila was from Utah and not Virginia?
-Then she would not have her suuuper cool accent, "Gra-a-ama! I miss you!"

What if the pool outside overflowed into our house?
-Then we would all either go swimming or all DIE.

What if we found out that Jeanie is not really from Canada?
-My world would be turned upside down.

What if all of Jaimie's toenails fell off?
-We would probably have to lock her somewhere dark where no one could see her... EVER because that is really gross.

What if Dan came to China next week and Jaimie and him got married in China?
-Then she could really wear her ugly dress and party like it's Chinese NEW YEAR again.

What if Channing Tatum was our Sparky? a.k.a handyman
-I would NEVER get off the school bus! or something in our apartment would ALWAYS be broken. (because Shaila would always be breaking things :)

What if China had a democracy and the U.S was a Communist Country?
-Then Sarah would marry the Kaiyin teacher and just call China home.

This was our FHE activity tonight. We had a lot of fun.

Something sweet that happened at school today: Chinese people all have the same eye color, (brown) so that is one thing that the kids notice right away on foreignors are our eyes. I was sitting watching the kids practice 'Spectacle' today when William ran up and sat on top of me. He wrapped his little arms around my neck and looking me square in the eyes he said, "Green teacher. Eyes, Beautiful green." :) I thought it was so cute.

1 comment:

  1. adorable....I love that he noticed your beautiful eyes. and sarah....haha....the "what if" about you is SO TRUE! But dont do it.
