So Day 1... we crossed a bridge to an island at one end of the city. It was beautiful. There was a sidewalk going around the entire island, bikes for rent, families having picnic's, places to sit and just enjoy the breeze and the views. It was beautiful. We walked around the island a couple of times and climbed stairs all the way to the tip of the island to see it from up high. We spent the majority of the day on the island and went to dinner, for the first time since we've been here in China... at a Pizza Hut. I don't know if it's just because I haven't had pizza in almost 3 months, or if Chinese pizza really is that good, but it was so delicious. Hen hao chi.
Our hostel was an adventure. There was this cat! I am no fan of cats to begin with, and this bloody cat, it was sooo horrible. His name was Ting Ling, and it was this tiny little skinny thing, it creeped me out. The second we walked in, I think it sensed my hesitation and dislike for it and jumped right up on my lap. So then, I made it very clear how much I did not want anything to do with it, and it just started to irritate me more :) because that is what cats do. GUH! Serious though, we would get back to the hostel and it would just be waiting in front of our room door, just sitting there, waiting to try and sneak into our room and sit under our bed. ugh, gives me shakes thinking about that cat, wierded me out.
So we were informed there would be two beds in each room, but we got there and there was a twin in each room and we had reservations for 2 rooms, so Abby and Mikelle took one room and Jilly and I took the other room, and we snuggled right up! It wasn't a very restlfull night. We were definitley excited to go home to our own beds that is for sure. Ha. Made for a good memory though.
Day 2 we walked down the street to the market, got a piece of fruit, and some bread from the bakery for breakfast and then we started our day at the bus station. Quick sidebar, traveling in China is funny. No matter how well we plan, which doesn't matter, scratch that because we don't really plan well. We just kind of go! We buy our tickets there, book our hostels and we just go! Anyways, traveling is chaos because we don't know where we are going, we don't speak the language, and we just play sherades with the people to figure out what and where to go. So after about an hour of just that... we finally ended up just hailing a taxi to take us to this island. The island was called Heng qin, and I absolutely loved it. It made Zhuhai totally worth it for me. The first part of our drive through the island was city... but eventually it turned into a beautiful mass of farm land, and fields, fields and fields of rice and other things. Oh it was beautiful. Narrow dirt roads, small fishing and farming villages, farmers working in the fields. I love it. We drove through all of that down to the other end of the island to some natural springs. They were breathtaking. We climbed up a set of steep stairs all the way to the top and we spent ALL day up there. Just sat, chatted, enjoyed the fresh, clear, cool air and the falls. Mmmmm. So pretty. It reminded me a lot of Oak Creek Canyon up home. After spending all day, we caught a bus home and enjoyed dinner at our famous little noodle shop just down the street from our flat in Zhongshan. Mmmmm. Hen hao chi.
***pictures soon!
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